Customer Success Story: bonify

How Cerecaptio helped bonify achieve their goals through headhunting

May 21, 2024

The Challenge

bonify - the leading financial startup based in Berlin with a massive 1.5 million user base - found themselves in direct need of filling critical technical lead positions. The urgency to achieve their new company vision required immediate action. With only one HR manager responsible for managing over 70 employees and handling all HR processes, bonify faced a significant recruitment challenge. Complicating matters further, the positions (Tech Lead and Performance Marketing Manager) had remained open for nearly half a year during a time when sourcing high-quality candidates was exceptionally difficult. bonify turned to Cerecaptio for a fast and efficient solution. 

Cerecaptio x bonify

Cerecaptio swiftly stepped in to collaborate with bonify, armed with a clear understanding of their requirements. bonify needed two essential elements from Cerecaptio; access to their extensive talent network in Germany and a delivery-focused partnership. Cerecaptio wasted no time in connecting bonify with a dedicated consultant who promptly presented a pool of potential candidates for the crucial positions.

Transparency lies at the core of Cerecaptio's success, and this collaboration was no exception. To ensure accountability, bonify was granted access to a visual board showcasing all the candidates and the various stages of the recruitment process. Moreover, Cerecaptio's flexible communication methods and profound understanding of bonify's unique needs facilitated a seamless and timely collaboration. Recognizing the importance of stakeholder management, Cerecaptio's multi-talented consultant ensured a superior candidate experience and engaged all stakeholders effectively.

The Results

Leveraging Cerecaptio’s deep understanding of the ideal role requirements and their extensive German network, Cerecaptio delivered outstanding outcomes. Cerecaptio successfully completed the recruitment process for two critical positions at bonify with an average time-to-hire of just 30 days.

This rapid hiring speed allowed bonify to onboard their new hires swiftly, saving them an estimated minimum of €24,000* in potential cost-of-vacancy (Stepstone, 2022). By avoiding the negative impact of prolonged vacancies, bonify experienced uninterrupted productivity and progress toward their goals. As a result, bonify remains highly satisfied (NPS Score of 10/10) with the collaboration and continues to reap the benefits of their partnership with Cerecaptio for their headhunting needs.

Very fast search and precise understanding of a so-called "ideal profile" requirements.

When it comes to meeting urgent hiring needs, bonify's experience demonstrates the unparalleled effectiveness of Cerecaptio's personalized and results-driven approach. Cerecaptio’s ability to swiftly identify top talent, coupled with our commitment to transparency and stakeholder engagement, makes us the go-to partner for companies seeking exceptional recruitment solutions.

Don't let critical vacancies hinder your progress—partner with Cerecaptio for fast and efficient recruitment solutions that saves you time, money, and headaches. Contact us today to experience the power of our personalized approach and unlock the best talent for your organization.

*based on Stepstone’s analysis


We help ambitious companies scale to their full potential by offering consultancy and talent services, built with competence in mind.

@2022 Cerecaptio